Understanding BIM – The Book

Building Information Modelling, or BIM, as a concept has existed in architectural design software since the 70’s and 80’s though the term itself wasn’t defined until 2002. Originally described as Virtual Building the concept focused on creating a digital representation of a building prior to construction.

A few months back I had the privilege to receive a new book – Understanding BIM – written by Dr Jonathan Ingram.

Understanding BIM documents why we need BIM, the history of BIM, early case studies in wide ranging disciplines, modern BIM, and the future of BIM. It also documents how BIM works. Dr Ingram is still involved in Information Modelling, AI, AR, VR, language understanding and  other contemporary technologies.

From https://www.understandingbim.com

As I previously wrote, Murray the founder of Cadimage, worked with Jonathan in the 80’s testing the Sonata System being developed by Jonathan. Murray explained a lot of the history and events during the early days when I was first working with him at Cadimage and it was great to read the history and remember how all the threads were pieced together.

The book is extremely comprehensive and has been very well put together. It is great to look at all the ‘cutting edge’ (in their day) images and see how far we have come over the last few decades. Anyone who wants to understand what BIM is, those who want to hear thoughts on where it is going or are interested in the history of BIM should really purchase a copy – its a great read.

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